- Excessive crowding of trees: Will cause them to grow tall and spindly, weaker and less desirable. Remove less vaulable trees to allow the remaining trees to grow properly.
- Thick Canopy: Allowing too much wind resistance and excessive weight. Selectively thin out canopy by reducing the weight and allowing wind to pass through will promote a much healthier tree.
- Leaning Trees: With surface roots and heavy canopy’s, leaning trees can become an emanate danger to people and property. Lighten up or remove depending on situation.
- Boring Insects: Borers are attracted to unhealthy trees, burrowing in and laying eggs inside the trunk. The best defense against these pests is to keep your trees healthy and unstressed.
- Trees growing too close to a structure: This can cause damage to roofs and foundations. To alleviate possible damage, trim back limbs from over roof and if necessary cut roots growing toward the structure.
- Non Native/ Invasive Trees: These trees rob much needed nutrition from native specimen trees. Remove these trees and give life back to your more valuable trees.
- Hardwood Stem Diseases: Such as hispidus canker, hypoxylon cankers, root rot, etc. Remove diseased trees or treat if possible.
- Tree trimming by unqualified personal: This results in excessive stress on trees and can sometimes caused unrepairable damage. Always rely on a ISA Certified Arborist before this happens, he or she can offer sololutions to correct the damage. Check a company’s qualifications through ISA-arbor.com , and the Better Business Bureau before making a regretable decision.
- Cracks between dominate and co-dominate stems: These cracks can be caused by too much weight and inclement weather conditions. Lighten up each stem and possibly install cables for support.
- Vines or Ivy Covering Canopy: Vines add excessive weight and wind resistance. Cut or remove ivy or vines to reduce weight and keep your trees healthy.